EDCT 5691 - Culturally Responsive Teaching
Course Description
In order to teach all students successfully, teachers must gain knowledge of strategies for how to best work with under-served students of various cultures. Together in this class we will analyze what mindsets need to be shifted and how to do that in a way that promotes validation and affirmation. We will be working from the required text, “Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning". Through studying this book and online research, you gain confidence in offering instructional practices that meet the needs of all your students. Grades K-12.Learner Outcomes
Participants will learn:
- Which of their students are likely to be under-served
- How to reach these students while promoting validation and affirmation.
- Responsive classroom management
- Literacy
- Vocabulary and academic language instruction
- How to create a responsive learning environment.
Bachelor's Degree or Instructor PermissionTestimonials
“This has been one of the most enlightening texts and training I have received in a long time. Overall this course gave me a lot to think about, a lot to change, affirmed what I am doing well so I can build upon those roots of success and weed out the parts that failed and withered. Thank you for giving me meaningful reflections and work as I went through Hollie’s text. It was supremely beneficial and has already changed how I am responding to my students now as I teach online school.” —TINT Student“After finishing the book and my last assignment I know that I am walking away with a wealth of knowledge. This was such a great class for me to experience because I feel like I am at a point in my life and teaching career where things need to change, but I really didn’t know how or what to do. My goal for this was to make sure I am doing all that I can within my classroom and throughout my instruction to help all of my students feel welcome, safe, and valued. I wanted to learn more about what that looked like to create a welcome, safe, and valued environment for my students. I have always worked hard to build relationships with my students and their families, but there is so much more that I know now, that I can’t wait to get started on.” —TINT Student
“The biggest take away from this class is how the small things can make a huge difference. The book gave me multiple ideas that I could do to change right now. So often when thinking about CLR it is theory based, and whether its true or not, feels overwhelming. However, this book gave me small things that when I read said “oh, I could easily implement this tomorrow” without needing to restart my whole class norms over again.” —TINT Student