PEO 0011 - Faith & Co: Business on Purpose
Course Description
This course builds upon the SPU produced film series, “Faith & Co: Business on Purpose.” This course re-imagines (through the lens of Christian theology) business as a calling to serve God and our neighbors (the common good). The course makes extensive use of evocative short story films, interviews with executives and subject matter experts. The course will develop a theological framework for business and its implications for purpose, profit, ethics, stakeholder relationships, economic inclusion and creation care/ sustainability.
Course Outline
I. Theological Foundations:
Session 1: Business as a Calling (Creation Mandate)
Session 2: Business & the Messy Middle
Session 3: Ethics and Biblical “Core Values”
II. Business and Restoration/Right Relationships:
Session 4: Work and Spiritual Formation
Session 5: Employees: Re-Humanizing Work
Session 6: Customers: Re-Personalizing the Marketplace
Session 7: Business and Flourishing Communities
Session 8: Creation Care; Course Wrap-up
Learner Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will have:
- Meaningful and practical connections between faith and the practice of business.
- A Christian theological framework for business and its implications for purpose and practice.
- Practical examples of how faith-based values can be expressed in business (i.e., through customer and employee relationships, economic inclusion and creation care/sustainability).
- Opportunities for self-reflection, discussion and the development of practical action plans.
This is a personal enrichment non-credit offering.