
Course Description

This course introduces students to foundations of Christian worship. Topics addressed include a Trinitarian framework for worship, the doctrine of the Church, and
a four-fold pattern of worship planning. Students will consider how such a framework can be applied within their local congregation.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction and Foundations

Module 2: The Gathering

Module 3: The Word

Module 4: The Response

Module 5: The Sending

Learner Outcomes

To develop a biblically, theologically, and historically informed perspective on the planning and practice of Christian worship.
To sharpen skills for interpreting local church context in worship design and leading.
To encourage and help Christian students cultivate a more reflective faith, that is, one integrally woven into their lives and thinking.


This course will be delivered online, asynchronously. In other words, this is largely “go at your own pace” provided you complete each module’s material by the given deadline. At the end of each module, leaners will join for an hour and a half live session in which we will share our thoughts and questions from the topic.
Thank you for your interest in this course. No offerings are available at this time.
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