
Course Description

Analyzes aggregate demand, national income, employment and price level, and describes fiscal and monetary policy. Particular emphasis is given to the application of macroeconomic theory to the analysis and forecasting of economic trends and cycles, business condition analysis and strategic planning in the firm. Examines current economic conditions and economic systems. Considers Christian understandings of money, wealth, economic justice, and human well-being.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Evaluate the terms, concepts, and points of view used in basic economic inquiry.
  • Assess the role of government performance in a mixed economic system.
  • Compare basic measurements of economic performance.
  • Evaluate the circular flow model and explain its relationship with economic growth, unemployment and inflation.
  • Assess the Keynesian and Classical models in terms of the production function and the related effects.
  • Describe money and its creation.
  • Analyze the tools of the central bank and the monetary policy mechanism.
  • Evaluate the changing international role of the United States as a debtor nation.
  • Evaluate usage of exchange rates, comparative advantage, and trade policy tools.
  • Use forecasting techniques to plan and manage resources for production.


This is an asynchronous online class with no face-to-face, in-person meetings
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