Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help Logging In?

Need Help? 

Here are some short tutorials for information on how to recover your SPU credentials and login:

Account Recovery:

Destiny Login:

If you are still having difficulty, please call 206-281-2031 or email to receive assistance. 

Academic Credit 

Based on the Carnegie Standard, and in accordance with federal regulations, one credit in the Quarter System represents 10 instructional (Contact) hours and 20 hours of preparation (homework) for a total of 30 hours of student engagement either in or out of class for each credit earned.

Are 5000 level courses graduate-level? 

Courses taken for credit and numbered at the 5000 level are graduate-level courses and are posted on a Graduate transcript at Seattle Pacific. These courses were designed primarily with the needs of teachers and other professionals in mind for the purpose of meeting certification, endorsement, district pay lane requirements and other professional needs. Although different in purpose from the core master's or doctoral graduate degree courses, these Graduate-level courses may be considered to meet elective requirements in some graduate degree programs in accordance with the regulations of the particular graduate degree program and approval of the student's program advisor.  

If I take a class through an SPU partner, will I still receive SPU graduate-level credit?  
If you select the option to register for credit through SPU, all 5000-level courses will appear on your SPU Graduate transcript.

Is Seattle Pacific University on the Quarter or Semester System?

Seattle Pacific University has been on the Quarter System since 1938

What is the Quarter/Semester Conversion?

To get the Semester equivalent, divide the Quarter credits by 1.5:

5 quarter credits are equivalent to 3.33 semester credits. 
3 quarter credits are equivalent to 2 semester credits. 
1 quarter credit is equivalent to .67 semester credits. 

What are CEUs? 

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized means to document participation in organized non-credit continuing education. The CEU provides a vehicle for employers, professional groups, and licensing agencies to account for participation in non-credit seminars, workshops, and courses.

One CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in organized continuing education under qualified instruction and is equivalent to 10 clock hours at Seattle Pacific University. Seattle Pacific University is an Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction approved clock hour provider.

How are clock hours verified? 

Participants will register for clock hours through the online registration system. At the end of the course, the instructor will verify attended hours, and the clock hours will be posted on a clock hour transcript. Participants will be notified via email once the earned hours are posted and can request a transcript if needed.

Are continuing education courses eligible for Financial Aid?

5000 Level courses and/or Continuing Education Units are not eligible for financial aid. The full cost of the course is required at the time of enrollment via debit or credit card.

Do continuing education courses qualify for loan deferment?

5000 Level courses and/or Continuing Education Units are not eligible for loan deferment because they are in a year-long term and part-time or full-time status cannot be calculated.

Are there any additional costs for a course besides tuition?

Additional costs vary from course to course. The course materials you receive will include directions if you need to purchase anything additional, such as a textbook. 

How do I get a receipt? 

A receipt will automatically be attached as a PDF to the confirmation email which will be sent immediately after registering and paying for a course. If you would like to print another copy:

  • Log on to the SPU Student Portal here then click "Login" at the top of this page and choosing "Student Login", and enter your SPU username with at the end and password
  • Click My Account History on the left side of the screen
  • Click on the transaction number
  • Click Print Receipt

Why do you need my Social Security Number?

Students are prompted for their Social Security number at the time of enrollment to ensure accurate reporting to the IRS. SSN disclosure is mandatory to be eligible for the Tax Credit. The University is required by federal law to report your SSN and other pertinent information to the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to the reporting requirements imposed by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. The University also will use the SSN you provide to verify your identity. The University takes the protection of your social security number very seriously and it will be encrypted in our system. This notification is provided to you as required by the Federal Privacy Act of 1974.

If you find we have recorded an incorrect number, please provide us with written notice of the correct number. 

What should I expect from my Distance Learning Course?

The majority of Distance Learning courses are designed to be self-paced. Some courses take place on Canvas, SPU's Learning Management System, and have specific begin and end dates. 

Instructor feedback and communication varies from course to course. If your instructor has provided contact information, please utilize that for your course questions and clarifications throughout the duration of your course. If you are taking a course through one of our outside educational partners, they can offer technical and procedural support.

How long will it take me to complete a Distance Learning Course?

The courses are designed for you to work at your own pace, but check the course details for due dates and completion time. 

Do I get regular feedback on my assignments?

This varies from course to course as not all Distance Learning courses are facilitated. You may not turn in coursework until you have completed all required assignments for a course. Make sure to read the course study guide first to understand if the course is facilitated, if you can expect communication during the course, and if the coursework is submitted in segments (with feedback) or if coursework is submitted entirely at the end of the course in which you will only receive feedback upon request. 

How do I access my Distance Learning Course? 

After you register for the course, you will be sent an email with the subject line Seattle Pacific University Confirmation with your receipt for payment attached. Information about how to access the course is contained under 'Special Information About this course'. It may indicate that you will be hearing from one of our educational partners within the next week; it may contain a link to the course syllabus; or it may give you specific instructions about how to access the course.

How quickly can I expect my grades to be posted?

Grades will be posted to the transcript within 1-2 business days from the date the instructor submits the grade to Seattle Pacific. Grades for structured date courses are due within 10 days of the Final assignment due date. Self-paced course grades are due within three weeks of the date all coursework has been submitted.

Participants will be notified via email once a grade has been posted to their transcript. Grades can be viewed in your Online Banner Account Here.

  • Enter your SPU Username with at the end and Password, then click Sign In
  • Select Student Menu>Academic Records>Unofficial Transcript
  • Leave Transcript Level at All Levels and Transcript Type as Web Transcript, then click Submit

If a grade needs to be posted sooner than the three weeks allowed for an instructor to review your work, please review further information on rush grading here.

What is a Pass equivalent to?

A Pass is equivalent to a C or better. Seattle Pacific will not be able to verify the specific letter grade a student would have earned if they had not selected Pass. We will only be able to verify that it is equal to a C or better. Many organizations require that students must earn a B or better, so it is best to know the requirements of your educational institution or organization before electing to be graded Pass/No Credit.

How can I request my transcript?

Visit the SPU Office of the Registrar website to learn how to access an unofficial transcript or request an official transcript.

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