
Course Description

This course is intended for teachers seeking Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) training. (DLL is the Spanish reconstruction of Reading Recovery, which is a short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing.) The course provides an overview of the history and purpose of Reading Recovery/DLL. It forms a basis for identifying children for entry into DLL through an understanding of systematic observation. The course presents administration, scoring, and interpretation techniques for each of the six tasks of the Instrumento de Observación and explores the writing of the Instrumento de Observación Summary.  Participants will explore the coding and analysis of running records and how to utilize that information to guide instruction. Participants will have the opportunity to practice administering the assessment with at least two children and receive feedback from both the instructor and their peers. In addition, participants will explore the beginning of a DLL student’s lesson series (Roaming Around the Known) and the early reading and writing behaviors that young learners demonstrate.

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