
Course Description

This course is intended for teachers seeking Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) training. (DLL is the Spanish reconstruction of Reading Recovery, which is a short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing.) The purpose of this course is to develop an in-depth understanding of Marie Clay’s theory of literacy processing in order to inform the teaching of young children with reading difficulties. The theoretical and procedural components of Descubriendo la Lectura are defined and explored throughout the course. Clinical procedures are developed as at-risk first graders are tutored through an integrated field experience.

Learner Outcomes

The purpose of this course is to enable prospective Descubriendo la Lectura teachers to:

  • Develop an understanding of the reading and writing process based on Marie Clay’s theory of literacy processing.
  • Develop an understanding of how first and second language acquisition affects literacy development.
  • Become skilled at using a range of systematic observation techniques to assess and guide children’s reading and writing progress.
  • Become competent at using specific teaching procedures with children who have extreme difficulty learning to read and write.
  • Design individualized instruction that assists the child in utilizing effective strategies for working on text.
  • Critically evaluate their own work/teaching and that of their peers.
Thank you for your interest in this course. No offerings are available at this time.
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