
Course Description

Experience an intense exploration in teaching rigorous courses. Within a specific content area, explore in detail teaching higher schoolers an advanced class designed to provide college credit. Learn various course content, standards, and teaching strategies. In addition to the content specific instruction, this course will cover resources available, data analysis, interdisciplinary research, and the latest nuances in teaching at a collegiate level to high school students. Class participants will network with outstanding teachers from all over the country, exchanging ideas. Coursework submitted will feature an inter-disciplinarian approach providing students documentation and support for the work they do.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will:
  • Improve instruction
  • Create better teaching methods
  • Explore pedagogical methods for highly capable learners
  • Incorporate new pedagogies and standards into instruction
  • Grade advanced placement exams in a specific course content
  • Inspire teachers to motivate their students to achieve at the highest possible levels
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