
Course Description

Five Essential Skills for the Love and Logic classroom will be taught. These skills will focus on building relationships with the toughest kids, setting limits with enforceable statements, using choices to prevent power struggles, quick and easy classroom interventions and guiding students to own and solve their own problems. Appropriate for all K-12 educators.

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Create a Love and Logic Classroom using the skills taught in this course
  • Build more effective relationships with students
  • Evaluate their own student management practices and make modifications in the classroom to promote a needs satisfying and nurturing environment
  • Avoid power struggles by giving kids choices and using the recovery process more effectively
  • Guide students to own and solve their problems


This course can either be taken for credit or clock hours. Clock hours are available under CEU 3388.
Thank you for your interest in this course. No offerings are available at this time.
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