CEU 3906 - Kodaly Musicianship Level III
Course Description
In this course, students develop critical musical skills that serve as the foundation for lifelong musical growth and development, furthering their growth from Level II. Students will develop the skills needed to obtain the high degree of musicianship and musicality expected of Kodály educators. These include the following:
- The ability to sight read and recognize aurally melodies in pentatonic, extended pentatonic, diatonic, and modal tonalities, as well as those with rhythm only
- Performing diatonic, modal, and two-part works (1) in singing, (2) at the keyboard, and (3) in conducting, with pure intonation
- Part-work, including (1) sing and play the piano in canon; (2) sing and hand sign in canon; (3) sing and play two-part pieces on the piano
- Inner hearing
- Notating from melodic and/or rhythmic dictation
Learner Outcomes
To extend the student’s own musicianship skills in a variety of musical activities including: sight-singing using solmization, rhythm syllables, absolute pitch names and Curwen handsigns; aural identification of pentatonic, diatonic and modal scales; identifying and singing intervals, triads and seventh chords; notating rhythmic, melodic and 2-part dictations; and developing inner hearing, transposition, part-work, analytical, musical memory and score-reading skills.
EARLY BIRD Discount available for participants who register by June 1, 2020.
Click 'Apply a Discount' and Enter EARLYBIRD at checkout.
This course can be taken for credit or clock hours. Credit is available under MUS 5085.