
Course Description

The knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) had advanced greatly over the last decade, and as a result, affected children are achieving greater success. Children with ADHD are presented with a number of challenges in school and at home. Schools can go a long way in providing environmental changes to make the school day more positive and successful. Children with ADHD generally want to do the right thing but have great difficulty doing it, and often core symptoms of ADHD make day-to-day performance in school difficult. The dilemma for children with ADHD is not that they are not ready for schools, but that schools are not ready for them. This course helps teachers feel ready for the challenges ADHD brings. Toward better preparing teachers for the children with ADHD who will inevitably be in their classrooms, this course offers a number of recommendations and interventions to make the teaching day more successful.
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