
Course Description

This course introduces fundamental assessment principles and terminology and their practical application to the language classroom. Participants will design tests for all language skills and understand the positive effects of assessment on classroom instruction. This course meets requirements for the WA State ELL Endorsement (Area Four: Assessment).


Course Outline

  • Module 1: Basics of Testing and Evaluating – general overview and your experiences
  • Module 2: Validity and Reliability – analyzing tests for these key concepts
  • Module 3: Authentic Portfolios in the classroom – Your experiences via an inventory; also analyzing and writing multiple choice questions
  • Module 4: Evaluating Listening – analysis and rubric analysis
  • Module 5: Evaluating Speaking – analysis and item and rubric creation
  • Module 6: Evaluating Reading
  • Module 7: Evaluating Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary – analysis and item creation
  • Module 8: Standards, Reflection, getting started on final project. The final project is writing a full exam with all components and justifications. The Rubric is attached to Module 1 for your information.
  • Module 9: Final Project upload only; no additional assignments

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Design tests for all language skills and components, applying sound principles of testing
  • Select appropriate ESL/EFL standardized tests when necessary
  • Fairly administer, score, and interpret results of language tests
  • Discuss intelligently ongoing issues of ESL evaluation policies
  • Develop repertoire of alternatives to testing for the purposes of language evaluation
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Assessment of English Language Students
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
SPU Tuition credit (3 units) $600.00
Available for Credit
3 Quarter Credits
Reading List / Textbook

Brown, H. D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Longman. (ISBN-13: 978-0138149314)

O’Malley, J. M & Pierce, L.V. (1996). Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners. Boston: Pearson Longman. (ISBN-13: 978-0201591514).

Section Notes

Please note before registering: Direct classroom experience during the course is not necessary, but recent experience as a teacher, teacher's aide or student teacher is required.

Course is self-paced. Completion time: up to one year from date of enrollment.

Refund Policy: Withdrawals submitted online through SPU within 7 days of enrollment will receive a 95% refund. Withdrawals received after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the completion deadline for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw are located on our website under Students/Withdrawal and Refund Policies.


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