
Course Description

This is a course for regular and special needs students teaching activities and strategies for grades K-12. The course will provide an introduction to the concepts, curriculum, theory and practice of adaptations, and also provide inclusive strategies and activities for diverse learners in physical education and physical activity.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the course participants will have gained:

  • An understanding of universal design towards games and activities and how they align with our state standards.
  • An understanding of Unified Physical Education and Sports
  • An awareness of personal and societal attitudes, inclusive physical education and recreation, and terminology that affect people with disabilities.
  • Knowledge of appropriate teaching instruction methods, adaptations and behavioral management for a variety of disabling conditions.
  • Knowledge of community recreation programs and resources available
  • A general understanding of the characteristics of disabling conditions, including programming techniques for successful leisure experiences.
  • An awareness of available resources.
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Section Title
Alternative Sports and Games for Regular and Special Populations
M, T, W, Th
8:30AM to 5:00PM
Jul 28, 2025 to Jul 31, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
SPU Tuition credit (3 units) $600.00
Available for Credit
3 Quarter Credits
Reading List / Textbook
  • The Need for Universal Design for Learning
  • Position Statements-Eligibility Criteria for Adapted Physical Education
  • Guidance Document: Frequently Asked Questions about Adapted Physical Education
  • Shape Standards
  • Standards-Based Physical Education Student Progress Report
Section Notes

Zoom Workshop Policy: Students are required to join the course with camera on and mic available throughout course hours. This is not a recorded webinar, it is a live, interactive workshop which requires your contribution. Therefore, please plan to join from a distraction-free setting—attempting to attend while driving, working, caregiving, attending appointments, or similar activities, may result in an Incomplete or No Credit grade in the course. Because of the condensed nature of the course, students are required to attend all four days in full. Breaks and movement activities a will be provided throughout the course to help students maintain focus and engagement. Please remember that CPE students have full access to our DSS office—if you believe that you will need accommodations during the course, please email dss@spu.edu to get those set up in place prior to the first day.   

The registration deadline is July 20, 2025 by the end of the day.

Refund Policy: Withdrawal requests submitted online through SPU within 14 days of course start date will receive a 100% refund. Withdrawals submitted online up to 5 days prior to the course start date will receive a 50% refund. Withdrawals received after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the last class session. Instructions on how to withdraw are located on our website under Students/Withdrawal and Refund Policies.

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