
Course Description

This course will provide educational leaders the opportunity to explore issues and models for developing and implementing personalized learning initiatives. These programs will connect participants with nationally-recognized experts and practitioners to work with and guide you in work-oriented sessions, and the course will provide a comprehensive experience to move you and your team into improved practice. Registrants will be surveyed ahead of time, and the information we collect will be used to create the most personalized learning opportunity possible.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Recognize the mechanisms behind culturally responsive instructional design and delivery that build student brain power.
  • Be able to rethink school practices and apply design thinking strategies to improving outcomes
  • Understand how blended learning can be a part of a personalized learning implementation
  • Be able to describe district-level structures that can inhibit or support personalized learning and strategies to change them
  • Be able to describe district-level structures that can inhibit or support personalized learning and strategies to change them
Thank you for your interest in this course. No offerings are available at this time.
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