CEU 3942 - Parenting with Positive Discipline
Course Description
This course is for parents and caregivers who are looking for long-term skills that will encourage their children to develop: Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Cooperation, Problem-Solving Skills, Feelings of Competence, Confidence, and Capability. Positive Discipline techniques are respectful & non-punitive and are based on both common sense & research. They help parents strike an important balance between being kind & firm. These tools will help parents get to the core of their child’s misbehavior while bringing more peace & joy into the home. In this relaxing, fun environment, parents participate in activities designed to deepen an understanding of their children and what parenting techniques work with children.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Parenting Styles
- Purpose of Behavior
- Consequences vs Punishment vs Solutions
- Family meetings
- Communication
- Evaluation
Learner Outcomes
By the end of the course, families will have been introduced to a way of relating to children that takes into account how the child is viewing and responding to their world, and will have learned how to effectively use family meetings for problem solving, encouragement and to teach social interest. These techniques which were originally taught by Alfred Adler are very respectful, extremely effective and fun. They are successfully used by many families around the country.
This course can be taken either for credit or clock hours. Credit is available under EDCT 5661.