
Course Description

In this course, students will receive daily instruction in intermediate Kodály-inspired musicianship.  They will develop critical musical skills that serve as the foundation for lifelong musical growth and development, furthering their growth from Kodály Musicianship I.

Learner Outcomes

Building on the skills from Kodály Musicianship I, students will improve their own musicianship skills in a variety of musical activities including:

  • Sight-singing using solmization, rhythm syllables, absolute pitch names and Curwen handsigns;
  • Aural identification of pentatonic and diatonic scales
  • Identifying and singing intervals and triads;
  • Notating rhythmic, melodic and 2-part dictations;
  • Performing diatonic (major and minor) works  in two parts (1) in singing, (2) at the keyboard, and (3) in conducting, with pure intonation;
  • Part-work, including (1) sing and play at the piano in canon, (2) sing and hand sign in canon, and (3) sing and play two-part pieces on the piano;
  • Developing inner hearing, transposition, analytical, musical memory and score-reading skills.


EARLY BIRD Discount available for participants who register by June 1, 2020.

Click 'Apply a Discount' and Enter EARLYBIRD at checkout.

This course can be taken for either credit or clock hours. Clock hours are available under CEU 3952.


Kodály Level I or Kodály Musicianship
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