EDRD 5826 - Young Adult and Teen Literature
Course Description
Renew your enthusiasm for Young Adult books! In this course, an independent exploration of choosing quality Young Adult books, you will become familiar with a broad range of Teen Books. Learn how to select appropriate and quality Young Adult books and design strategies to build an appreciation of literature, motivate students to become lifelong readers, and encourage critical thinking across the curriculum. Topics include the nature of teenage readers, genres of young adult literature, and engaging readers. Upon completion of this course, you will have created a biography of useful titles and planned lessons that are ready for immediate use. Grades 6-12
Participants will need to have a public or school library and Internet access available. This course is available for 1-5 credits. Please check section information to register for appropriate section.Testimonials
“I enjoyed reading these books and having so many options for assignments.. I was looking for accessible books that were very engaging. It was a bonus that it addressed relevant topics in a humorous way.” —TINT Student“This class has exposed me to so many different aspects of YA Literature. It’s often easy to find yourself getting into a pattern- no time- and go with what you know, year after year. This class allowed me to reignite the love that I have for reading and has gotten me to think about the very diverse titles that are accessible to our students.” —TINT Student
“This course has been enlightening as well as entertaining. I am so glad that I took it over the summer so that I could immerse myself in reading young adult literature and exploring the genre through the assignments. As always, I appreciate the assignment menu allowing for choice.” —TINT Student