
Course Description

This course addresses Child Development from Birth through age 8 years with a multi-cultural focus to help students understand common developmental milestones as well as how culture and experience influence the development of individual children.  Examines the physical, social, emotional, cognitive/intellectual, and linguistic developmental characteristics of children within and outside the United States. Discusses typical as well as atypical development, including strategies for accommodating children with disabilities in the classroom.  Focuses on understanding development and its cultural variations is essential for effective teaching.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Define the qualitative and quantitative processes and stages of all areas of human development from conception to age 8.
  2. Understand how culture and family influence a child’s development and be able to address their special learning styles.
  3. Compare and contrast the seven major theories of child development and apply them to guide decisions in the classroom.
  4. Understand how negative environmental influences can affect a child’s development and list strategies for intervention.
  5. Know the disabilities that are common in young children and be able to provide strategies for interventions and accommodations in the classroom.
  6. Know how bilingual children’s learning and language acquisition is different from monolingual learners and provide interventions.
  7. Recognize the value of play and understand how it supports learning and development.
  8. Identify different family types and define how family choices and culture influence development.
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