
Course Description

Do you have students who struggle with impulse or emotional control, planning, flexibility, working memory, self-monitoring, task initiation or organization? In this class, you will learn how these executive functions help us in our everyday lives and how deficits in these areas can impact a student’s learning, behavior, emotions and social interactions. You will walk away with practical teaching strategies, and techniques to strengthen a child’s executive functions as well as materials and supports to improve student self-esteem and success.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course participants will:
  • Know about the set of mental processes called executive functions and how they help us in our learning, work, recreation and relationships.
  • Know about each of the overarching executive functioning categories and recognize when a child is experiencing difficulties in each area.
  • Understand how each executive function is important for academic performance, motivation, self-regulation and social competence.
  • Be able to implement strategies that help students with executive dysfunction.
  • Plan activities that will strengthen skills in each executive function category.


Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Executive Brain Functions: Disruptive, Distracted, Defeated No More
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Distance Learning  
Course Fee(s)
Tuition credit (4 units) $845.00
Available for Credit
4 Quarter Credits
Section Notes

This course is offered in collaboration with The Innovative Northwest Teacher (TINT)

Course is self-paced. Completion time: up to one year from date of enrollment.

Refund Policy: Withdrawals submitted online through SPU within 7 days of enrollment will receive a 95% refund. Withdrawals received after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the completion deadline for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw are located on our website under Students/Withdrawal and Refund Policies.

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