
Course Description

This conference for Positive Discipline trainers from around the world is an opportunity for practitioners to share their knowledge and enhance their skills so they can return to their community and increase their effectiveness working with school leaders, and educators as well as leading parent groups and training parenting
educators. Participants will have the opportunity to practice core activities as well as learn new strategies that are effective in shifting the prevailing paradigms away from punishment toward restorative practices and skilled problem solving so that young people can become effective, contributing citizens.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the conference, participants will have:

  • Deepened their understanding of Adlerian Psychology as it applies to school and home settings
  • Improved skills for facilitating groups of adults
  • Acquired additional tools for teaching social learning in schools
  • Acquired additional knowledge and tools for culturally responsive teaching


Must have taken either the Positive Discipline in the Classroom workshop or Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way.
Thank you for your interest in this course. No offerings are available at this time.
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