
Course Description

Participants in this course will process, analyze, and reflect on key principles of instructional design and in-depth descriptions of instructional practices for working with English language learners (ELLs). They will connect research, principle, and practice with their own classrooms and explore an array of methods and strategies for teaching and assessment for the purpose of meeting their students’ needs.

Course Outline

  • Principles of effective practice in working with ELLs
  • Research in support of the principles
  • History of methods
  • Research in second language acquisition
  • Effective strategies for teaching ELLs
  • Content-based instruction
  • Assessment of ELLs
  • Classroom management techniques

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course participants will be able to explain and act upon key principles that guide effective practice in working with ELLs. They will be able to evaluate and choose appropriate strategies for meeting these students’ classroom instructional needs. They will also be able to describe and explain aspects of methodology that can help them better meet the needs of their ELLs.


This course has no requirement for participation in or observation of an English language classroom; however, such participation can add a valuable perspective from which to view course materials, and is therefore encouraged.

It is recommended that ELT 5530 be completed first or taken concurrently with ELT 5552; however, it is not required.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
English Language Learners Methods: Principles and Practice
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
SPU TUition credit (3 units) $600.00
Available for Credit
3 Quarter Credits
Reading List / Textbook

Freeman, Y. S, Freeman, D. E, Soto, M. & Ebe, A. (2016). ESL Teaching: Principles for Success. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.

Herrell, A. L. & Jordan, M. (2018). 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners, 6th Edition. e-book, Hoboken, NJ: Pearson (E-text)

Articles and other supplementary material will be located on Canvas

Section Notes

Course is self paced. Completion time: up to one year from date of enrollment.

Refund Policy: Withdrawals submitted online through SPU within 7 days of enrollment will receive a 95% refund. Withdrawals received after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the completion deadline for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw are located on our website under Students/Withdrawal and Refund Policies.


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