
Course Description

“I’m bad at math.” It’s a line that society tends to accept without examination—after all, some people just aren’t “math people,” As with other essential skills, we need to expose the stereotypes, challenge the negative mindsets, and finally confront the systemic opportunity gaps in math education, and replace them with a new vision for what math is, who it’s for, and who can excel at it. This course covers the following research on teacher and student mindsets and their effect on student achievement, differentiation tools, and suggestions for deeper learning on all aspects of a positive and equitable vision of math education.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Create changes to classroom instructional practice.
  • Identify how to change a limitless mathematical mindset.
  • Consider their role in expanding educational roles and influencing the educational system


A link to the Armchair Ed course assignments and exams will be included in the registration confirmation and receipt email that will be automatically sent to students immediately upon completion of the registration process. Any required textbooks must be purchased separately.

The link can also be accessed after enrollment by logging into the Student Portal and clicking the link listed under View Online Resources.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Book Study: Bad at Math
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Distance Learning  
Course Fee(s)
Tuition credit (3 units) $305.00
Available for Credit
3 Quarter Credits
Reading List / Textbook

Must be Purchased Separately:

Bad at Math? Dismantling Harmful Beliefs That Hinder Equitable Mathematics Education. Gonzalez, L. (2023). Corwin Press.

Section Notes

This course is offered in collaboration with ArmchairEd.

Course is self-paced. Completion time: up to one year from date of enrollment.

Refund Policy: Withdrawals submitted online through SPU within 7 days of enrollment will receive a 95% refund. Withdrawals received after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the completion deadline for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw are located on our website under Students/Withdrawal and Refund Policies.


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